Why San Francisco?
San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in California, which is the showpiece of the Bay Area, known for its political communities and diverse culture. It’s because of the diversity that exists here in San Francisco a melting pot of culture, where you can find such great food to eat and incredible people to talk.
San Francisco's diversity of cultures along with its eccentricities are so great that they have greatly influenced the country and the world at large over the years. In 2012, Bloomberg Businessweek voted San Francisco as America's Best City.
The culture of San Francisco is major and diverse in terms of arts, music, cuisine, festivals, museums, and architecture.
All STATISTICS are taken from the following webpage
Totes les ESTADÍSTIQUES han estat extretes de la següent pàgina web
Podem veure que SF presenta una gran diversitat lingüística, possible conseqüència de la immigració, l’ampli mercat d’oportunitats americà, el clima i el turisme.
Cal destacar que les estadístiques mostren un alt índex en la presència de dues llengües: El Xinès i el Castellà.
Considering the significant numbers of Spanish speakers in the United States and resulting linguistic strategies in an English language dominant context, the phenomenon of code-switching is examined in this webpage as an important element of ‘border culture’.
Les pràctiques de commutació de codis lingüístics i socioculturals basades en la recerca es centren en comunitats llatines dels EUA i s'analitzen les diferències entre el canvi i la barreja de codis al costat de les actituds cap al fenomen.
Considerant l'important nombre de parlants d'espanyol als Estats Units i les estratègies lingüístiques resultants en un context dominant en l'idioma anglès, el fenomen del canvi de codi s'examina en aquesta web com un element important de la "cultura fronterera".
Focus is given to linguistic and sociocultural code-switching practices based on research in US Latino communities, and the differences between code-switching and code-mixing are analysed alongside attitudes towards the phenomenon.
In asking the question; what is Spanglish? the terms “Latino”, and “Hispanic” are problematized, demonstrating that these labels carry strong connotative meanings, and in this way, the use of the term “Spanglish” can be seen as a political assertion of a border identity
Al fer la pregunta; Què és Spanglish? els termes "llatí" i "hispà" es problematitzen, demostrant que aquestes etiquetes tenen significats connotatius forts i, d'aquesta manera, l'ús del terme "Spanglish" es pot veure com una afirmació política d'una identitat fronterera
Es tracta d'un "fenomen lingüístic natural" en comunitats bilingües on dos o més idiomes entren en contacte i s'alternen a nivell de clàusules i frases.
No obstant això, més enllà d'aquestes descripcions ocasionalment vagues, a la literatura de recerca, es troben una àmplia varietat de termes com ara "canvi de codi" i "barreja de codi" als quals sembla que els investigadors proposen definicions contradictòries.
It is “a natural linguistic phenomenon” in bilingual communities where two or more languages come into contact and alternate at the level of clauses and sentences
However, beyond these occasionally vague descriptions, in the research literature, a wide variety of terms are found such as “code-shifting” and “code-mixing” to which researchers seem to either propose contradicting definitions.
The linguistic perspective asks whether code-switching, as a communicative form, sees Spanish maintained within an English context or become subordinate and ultimately “corrupted” by English
Montes-Alcalá 2000
One of the early criticisms of code-switching accused participants of using it as a linguistic “crutch” in order to compensate for linguistic incompetence